Custom Boot Services for Alligator Hunters

Your Prized Hide. Our Exceptional Craftmanship.

  • Harvested a Gator? Start Here.

    Congratulations! You’ve harvested an alligator through the Florida State lottery system and now you want the hide turned into custom boots and accessories. Before it can be crafted into boots, it’ll need to be properly processed and tanned to footwear-grade specifications. Here, we’ve compiled a list of reputable tanneries that we’ve worked with.

  • Second. Designing Your Boots.

    There is often a time gap in tanning process and this provides the opportunity to take your custom measurements, co-design and plan your boots. Florida Boot Company coordinates all the details in this process.

    During the fitting appointment, you’ll have the opportunity to touch and feel different leathers, and talk through all the design details of your custom boots in our working studio.

  • Custom Accessories

    For large Alligators, there is often unused portions of the hide. Boots are cut from the belly section of the Alligator hide due to the flexible properties of the scales. This leaves the tail mostly untouched, a perfect section for belts.

    Don’t want boots? Handbags, wallets, and other accessories can be contracted. Fill out the contact form below to get started.